Sexism in my culture!

Falaq waris
1 min readDec 8, 2020

Life of being a Pakistani girl has very impacted my life and what my career might be. Constantly hearing that a woman should cook and clean is very irritating. This cultural idea runs in countries like India, Denmark, and in the middle east. My dream of becoming an amazing journalist might just start here. I have an amazing aunt who constantly tells me to follow my dream. Being scared of what people might think is something that always comes to mind. In the culture, I grew up in it's always like be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer that's it. Mostly for a woman, if a woman chooses anything else it's not very impressive. Culture and religion are two different things. I have learned that from a very wise man. He once said if your happy, life will be easy. I believe that I'm strong and I was brought into this world as a girl for a reason. I have found a purpose in life and that's to help women and men who are trapped in this sexist culture. I have a voice and I will use it.



Falaq waris

Im planing on changing sexism and rasism. I love to inspire and write.